HF Holidays strategy for growth
Our strategy for growth
The HF Holidays strategy for growth is a collaborative effort by the Board of Directors and Senior Management Team who reviewed our goals and analysed the results of market trends and survey data. The overall aim was to make the strategy relevant to a wide audience, including our internal teams, Board of Directors, members, and guests.
Our mission is to provide shared holiday experiences, which inspire friendship, fun and an active enjoyment of the great outdoors. Our vision is to remain an independent and self-sustaining society with growing and engaged membership. We connect like-minded people in some of the best places on the planet and offer our guests high-quality walking and special interest holidays.
The strategy has been created to support this and to evolve. It’s based on the success of previous HF Holidays goals which provided focus, laid out the priorities, and gave consistency and a common understanding to our activity. This resulted in improved performance across the five-year period they were created for.
The objectives aim to bring about growth that can be measured against key performance indicators.
HF Holidays Strategy Wheel
At the centre of the wheel, and at the heart of what we’re doing, lies the statement ‘Building Our Tomorrow’. This states that we’re building on current solid foundations for all our futures to be realised in the shorter and longer term.
Central to the strategy is also the statement ‘Our guests at our heart’. This shows that we continue to be committed to our guests and remain customer focused.
The strategy has three key areas: Product, Performance, and People.
Maintain and broaden our guest base
Drive overseas growth
Enhance the holiday experience
Introduce smarter processes
Improve profitability
Protect and grow our assets
Deliver co-operative excellence
Provide an inspiring workplace
Drive sustainability
Our intention was to progress all strategy goals at the same speed. Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic has hindered some of our plans, we’re now starting to get back on track and focus on the future, and full recovery.