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Did you know that 2025 is the United Nations International Year of Co-operatives (IYC2025) – a campaign to recognize and promote the contributions of co-operatives to sustainable development, economic inclusion, and community resilience.
HF Holidays is incredibly proud to be a co-operative organisation run by and for the benefit of its members. We currently have over 46,000 members, all of whom are at the heart of a purposeful business powered by its people and values.
Established in 1913, we’ve only ever been about promoting fun, friendship, and an active enjoyment of the great outdoors. These principles are reflected in everything we do; from the holidays we create to the way we work as a team to deliver the best possible experiences for our guests. Simply put, cooperation enables us to achieve more together than we could alone.
We asked members of the HF Holidays team to share their thoughts on what they love about working for a co-operative. Find out below what makes us different and how co-operatives can help build a better world.

Jackson Griffiths, Customer Success Executive
"At their heart, co-operatives are fair, equitable organisations – and I think the world needs more of them. I didn’t know too much about co-ops before I started working at HF Holidays, but I have since seen the benefits. So much so, I’ve moved my phone contract and banking over to co-ops!
A co-op is a precious thing, especially in the current times we’re living in. It’s the people that make HF Holidays special – in the offices, in the houses, our HF Holidays Leaders - and of course our members and guests, too. Our heritage comes from a good place of people loving the outdoors, and that is something I really believe in.
As a member of HF Holidays, I love passing on that passion to the guests I talk to. Sometimes, even mentioning the word co-op on the phone is enough to invoke a positive reaction and get that guest signing up to join us."

Rob Carroll, General Product Manager
“I love the connected nature of working for a co-operative. On holiday once my wife and I were seated at a table next to two very sociable women. When I heard them mention their walking group and Derwent Bank (HF’s house in the North Lakes) my ears pricked up. I had to ask whether they were HF members. Of course they were. Upon explaining that I worked for HF their response was: “That means we’re your boss!” Joking aside, we felt part of the same community immediately. And the co-operative model means our focus on quality is more intense. We exist for our community.”

Chris Steel, HF Holidays Leader
"There’s a real sense that HF Holidays belongs to us - the members, guests, leaders, members, and staff. It’s not just ownership in a monetary sense. People believe that HF Holidays is a good thing and are deeply committed to it. One of the main reasons why our holidays are so great is the shared experience they provide. You feel part of an inclusive, welcoming community – one where everyone is valued and where people look for the best in each other.
HF Holidays looks (and has always looked) beyond its own members. To me, the company helps us to re-create and refresh ourselves. The Pathways Fund, which relies on donations from guests and members, enables HF Holidays to offer holidays to families who may not otherwise get such an opportunity.
I have gained and learned much from being an HF Holidays Leader. Ultimately, it comes down to the shared experiences. It’s about enjoying things together and strengthening and deepening bonds. To quote another HF Holidays Leader, “you are among friends, even if you’ve not met before”."

Sharon Wright, Senior Product Manager, Europe
“For me, it’s about joining forces and being stronger together as a community of like-minded members, guests, leaders, and employees. Working for a co-operative provides a unique sense of perspective – everything we do, we do for our members in a way that doesn’t apply to non-co-operatives.
Being a co-operative informs our decision making and priorities on a day-to-day basis and gives us focus and motivation, knowing we are a business that cares about its people and its purpose.”
Ready to become part of our co-operative? Become an HF Holidays Member and enjoy exclusive benefits while helping shape our future.
Start your journey here or email membership@hfholidays.co.uk to find out more.
Published 14th January 2025