Mind & body

Ticking boxes for a getaway full of soul-searching and tranquillity, our mind and body holidays give you every chance to hit the pause button and focus on your mental and physical well-being. Led by expert tutors in small groups, you’ll enjoy daily morning yoga or pilates classes and afternoon guided walks with HF Holidays Leaders.
While both offer health benefits, the two practices are inherently different. Originating from Northern India thousands of years ago, yoga is the holistic discipline that improves breathing, balance, flexibility, and meditation processes. Pilates was created in the 1920s by German physical trainer, Joseph Pilates, and is a method using targeted exercises to improve posture, strength, flexibility, muscle development, and increased joint motion.
You’ll be staying at one of our characterful UK country houses, all of which are cherished for their one-of-a-kind charm and sense of warmth. There’s cosy Victorian manors, elegant Georgian mansions, converted granaries and farmhouses, lakeside hideaways, and more – all with desirable addresses just a skip away from some of the best-loved national parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Full-board meals come as standard.